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Hide details for [<h2 style="font-family: Sans Serf; font-size: 12pt">2023年 9月 28日</h2>]

2023年 9月 28日

Release notes for each build of smaconne are available here.
A summary of the changes for each build can be found here.     続きを読む...
Added the [Move View...] feature, improved keyboard-only operation, reduced PWA startup time, and made many other improvements, such as displaying the subject line in the title of the email.    続きを読む...
Hide details for [<h2 style="font-family: Sans Serf; font-size: 12pt">2023年 6月 22日</h2>]

2023年 6月 22日

This is a document to introduce 'smaconne', which contributes to business efficiency with extra features over Notes and usability. (PDF, 7.3 MB)  (smaconne20230622en.pdf)    続きを読む...
Added the [Follow] feature, added an option to hide the [Reset] button, and implemented several improvements such as streamlining processing and enhancing response overall.    続きを読む...
Hide details for [<h2 style="font-family: Sans Serf; font-size: 12pt">2023年 4月 7日</h2>]

2023年 4月 7日

Information about smaconne
Please see here as well as our Frequently Asked Questions.    続きを読む...
Hide details for [<h2 style="font-family: Sans Serf; font-size: 12pt">2023年 3月 16日</h2>]

2023年 3月 16日

Many improvements have been made, including the addition of a [Save All] button for attachments, [Export this View] and [Export this Document] buttons, and support for 64-bit versions of HCL Notes.    続きを読む...
The 64-bit version of HCL Notes 12.0.2 is the supported platform for smaconne build: 2023030301 and later.    続きを読む...
Hide details for [<h2 style="font-family: Sans Serf; font-size: 12pt">2023年 1月 10日</h2>]

2023年 1月 10日

In order to use smaconne, 'License' are required.    続きを読む...
Hide details for [<h2 style="font-family: Sans Serf; font-size: 12pt">2022年 12月 15日</h2>]

2022年 12月 15日

Many improvements have been made, including the addition of a tag function for bookmarks, buttons to scroll to the top and bottom of the page, and a major upgrade to the web font for icons.    続きを読む...
Hide details for [<h2 style="font-family: Sans Serf; font-size: 12pt">2022年 9月 15日</h2>]

2022年 9月 15日

A major upgrade of the rich text editor to CKEditor 5 was made, and many improvements were made, including the addition of a label function to the 'Excel Linkage' function.    続きを読む...
Hide details for [<h2 style="font-family: Sans Serf; font-size: 12pt">2022年 6月 23日</h2>]

2022年 6月 23日

Many improvements have been made, including changes to the JavaScript library and further speeding up the response of smaconne.    続きを読む...
Updated the Development Kit, Configuration Know-How, Configuration Toolkit for Mail & Calendar.    続きを読む...
Hide details for [<h2 style="font-family: Sans Serf; font-size: 12pt">2022年 3月 17日</h2>]

2022年 3月 17日

Many improvements have been made, including the addition of an 'Excel Linkage' function that allows users to create mobile apps from Excel files in a single step.    続きを読む...
Hide details for [<h2 style="font-family: Sans Serf; font-size: 12pt">2021年 12月 16日</h2>]

2021年 12月 16日

Many improvements have been made, including the ability to acquire and set location information with a single tap, and the ability to delete cookies and user-set documents.    続きを読む...
Updated the 'smaconne Development Kit - Configuration Know-How'.    続きを読む...
Hide details for [<h2 style="font-family: Sans Serf; font-size: 12pt">2021年 9月 24日</h2>]

2021年 9月 24日

HCL Domino V12 is the supported platform for smaconne build: 2021091001 and later.    続きを読む...
Many improvements have been made, such as the ability to use dialogs on all pages, the ability to use JavaScript on action buttons, and the addition of bookmarking functions for noting and sharing.    続きを読む...
Updated the 'smaconne Development Kit - Configuration Know-How'.    続きを読む...

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