Release Notes

Build: 2021061103

2021/6/24 Created.

BestCommunications, Inc. has released an updated version of smaconne (build: 2021030201) with additional/improved features on June 24, 2021.
The update includes the following contents. For details, please refer to the "smaconne User Manual".

If the dark mode is enabled in the Basic Configuration of smaconne, the dark mode including "Auto" is set in your OS, and smaconne is opened with a web browser that supports the dark mode, it will be displayed in the dark mode.
If your OS or web browser does not support dark mode, it will not be displayed in dark mode.
Also, if the dark mode is disabled in the Basic Configuration of smaconne, it will not be displayed in dark mode.
All HTML output by smaconne has been updated to HTML5.
However, for compatibility with Domino version 7.0.1 and earlier, some pages are still in the Domino default HTML4.01 format.
This includes the "smaconne User Settings" app (build: 2021042601).
Web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari already support this, but if you specify the 'target="_blank"' attribute in the anchor tag, the 'rel="noopener"' attribute will be automatically added just in case.
The keywords used for Cross-searching will also appear in the history in the "History" tab.
The smaconne icon in the header of each configuration document of the "smaconne" app used in Notes has been updated to the latest version.

If you have any further questions, please contact us.
We look forward to your continued patronage of smaconne.

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