Frequently Asked Questions

Input contents are not saved to the field where the field name is set to bouble-byte characters

2018/11/7 Created.

When using the Notes app directly in a web browser with Domino Web Access, it appears to work as a double-byte code field name, but in fact the Domino server converts the field name from double-byte code to an arbitrary alphanumeric field name.
smaconne works as per Domino Web Access, but unfortunately we do not know what kind of field names the Domino server converts to.
As a result, if you set a field name that is set in double-byte code such as Japanese in smaconne, the input will not be reflected in the document.
It is possible to avoid this problem by setting the field names that are converted by the Domino server to smaconne, but this is time-consuming and not easy to maintain, so please consider changing the field names to one-byte alphanumeric characters.

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