Frequently Asked Questions

”The server is not same as the registered. The activation code is incorrect.” is displayed

2015/11/2 Created.

When accessing the smaconne App List Page, the message "The server is not same as registered. The activation code is not correct." is displayed.
The result of the validation of the activation code is "OK".
The console of the Domino Server displays the message "Error connecting to server xxxxxxxx. The remote server is not a known TCP/IP host." (xxxxxxx is the name of the Domino server).

The possible cause is that the Domino server  cannot connect to its own server, e.g. due to a change in the server's IP address.
Domino server keeps a cache of the IP address that was used when the connection to the server was made successfully. As a result, after an IP address change, the connection may fail due to the old cached address.

To resolve this issue, run the Trace command on your Domino server and then restart your Domino server as follows.

( is IP address or FQDN)



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