Frequently Asked Questions

When I open the document, the empty page is displayed

2015/3/30 Created.

This can be caused by one of the following. Please refer to the following solutions.

smaconne will not display fields that do not have a value, along with their labels.
All fields that are set as "Displayed Field" and have a value of Null will result in an empty page.

Please check the value of each field you have set as "Displayed Field" in the document.

smaconne generates pages using the "Form Info" that is matches the form name (including form value and alias) that is set at document creation and the "Form Name" (including alias). If there is no "Form Info" that matches the form name of the document, smaconne uses the "Form 1 (default)" form.
If none of the fields in the document match the fields in the "Displayed Field" of "Form 1 (default)", the result is an empty page.

Create a "Form Info" for the "Form Name" that matches the form name in the document.

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